Maíra Araújo Machado Borges Prata, Rafaela Prosdocini Parmeggiani, Luiz César Ribas


Moving from a consumerist to a sustainable culture and adopting socio-environmental policies, in addition to be a necessity, today represent a global challenge. Among the sustainability challenges is the proposal for sustainable public procurement (SPP), before which the general objective of the research was to analyze it together with the public policies that encourage it, focusing on the specific case of the Court of Justice of the state of São Paulo (TJSP). Specifically, it was intended to investigate what are the legal, institutional and theoretical bases for public entities to implement SPP; detect which are the difficulties of implementation in the institution of focus; propose ways to overcome these; and, further, to verify if and how the public policies that encourage PHC are effective or show themselves as more effective and efficient forms of management, appropriate and protective to the environment. For that, qualitative methodology was used, initially focused on exploratory research and theoretical-bibliographic research, with collection and review of doctrinal literature and related legislation, as well as searches (with analysis) of public documents available on government websites. Semi-structured interviews were also carried out with the servers and managers directly involved in the procurement and contracts area, through content analysis of the collected data. More than pointing out the difficulties, the objective was to offer solutions, whose main contribution was the drafting of a Recommendation to the TJSP Presidency, in order to reinforce the importance of this public policy and assist in its effective implementation within the institution.

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