Similarity between corn hybrids using sanitary and physiological seed parameters
One of the elements capable of explaining the epidemics of diseases in the fields of corn production is the amount of initial inoculum present in seeds. The objective of this paper was to study the health and physiological quality of maize hybrids grown in the 2019 crop. The experiment was carried out using 22 hybrids represented by: 13K21PW Morgan©, 14K185PW Morgan©, 230 PRO 3 DKB©, 290 PRO 3 DKB© , 3040 VIP3 LG©, 3055 VIP3 LG©, 30F35 Pioneer ©, 310 PRO 3 DKB©, 345 PRO 3 DKB©, 8882 Coded DKB, CBS15C385PW Morgan©, CBS15D089PW Morgan©, CBS15SE137PW Morgan©, Coded x40K205 (3898) Pioneer, K9606 VIP3 KWS©, MG580PW Morgan©, MG652PW Morgan©, SH 7930 PRO 2 Sta Helena©, SH 7990 PRO 2 Sta Helena©, SX5885 VIP3 Syngenta©, SX71715 VIP3 Syngenta© and SX8934 VIP3 Syngenta© that were grown in the municipality of Ipameri, GO. Analyzed the percentage of primary root emission (ERP),% of shoot emission (EPA),% of microorganism incidence, % of fungus genera (% GF). Sixteen fungi were detected representing the microflora detected in the seeds of the evaluated hybrids recognized as Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp., Curvularia sp., Fusarium verticillioides, Gliomastix sp., Cladosporium sp., Gliocladium sp., Bacillus sp., Geotrichum sp. , Trichoderma sp., Mucor sp., Stenocarpela maydis, Pythium sp., Chaetomium sp., Sporotrix sp. and Scopulariopsis sp. The multivariate analysis jointed the cultivars with highest physiological activity represented by SX 8934 Vip3 SYN®, SX 71715 Vip 3®, 3040 Vip3 LG®, SHS 7990 PRO2, SX 5885 Vip3, MG 652 PW®, K9606 Vip3®, DKB 345 PRO3. The lowest incidence of microorganism was in hybrids DKB 345 PRO3 and 8882 cod.
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Direitos autorais 2021 Cultura Agronômica: Revista de Ciências Agronômicas
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