Stability and adaptability in assai palm tree progenies by gge biplot

Gilberto Ken Iti Yokomizo, Kuang Hongyu, João Tomé de Farias Neto, Maria do Socorro Padilha de Oliveira


TThe increasing demand for the fruit of the assai palm has generated the need for research to enable higher productivity. A GGE biplot was used to analyze the behavior of 30 assai palm tree genotypes from Anajás city and grown in Tomé-Açu, Pará, in a randomized complete block design, with 30 treatments (progenies G1 until G30), three replicates and five plants per plot in four years (A1 until A4). The following characteristics were evaluated: total weight of bunches (PTC), in grams; total weight of fruit (PTF), in grams; and average weight of 100 fruit (PCF). Obtaining as conclusions that the progenies G10 for PTC and PTF; G19 for large fruits or G25 for “chumbinho” fruits for PCF are closest to the ideotype, with better average performance and also in terms of stability and adaptability; most progenies with higher averages have poor stability in PTC and PTF, differently for PCF whose progenies were very close averages and concentrated in terms of stability; the GGE biplots allow us to visualize of the progenies behavior, of the years, of the interrelationship between progenies and years and identify the superior progenies. By graphical analysis of GGE Biplot the environments contribute more intensely to the interaction G x E in relation to the progenies, highlighting A3 for PTC; A2 for PTF and; A4 to PCF. The years A1 and A2 for PTC; A1 for PTF and; A2 for PCF represent the average from all years.

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Direitos autorais 2020 Cultura Agronômica: Revista de Ciências Agronômicas

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Revista Cultura Agronômica
Ilha Solteira - SP
E-ISSN 2446-8355
Este obra está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional.